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The nomenclature introduced by Danny Cohen in 1980, owes its origin to Johnathan Swift’s ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ where the Big Endian were a breakaway faction of Lilliputians, that broke their boiled egg from its bigger end, in contravention to the King’s orders to break them from their smaller ends.

Endianness refers to the mechanism for sequencing bytes of a digital word, in the data memory for semiconductor and computers. Formatting data memory at the byte level is essential to create any powerful device.

Big Endian is the protocol which stores the most significant bytes before the less significant bytes.

At Big Endian Semi, we would like to add most significant value in unlocking the potential of our technology.

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BE semiconductors are brought to you by team that built worlds 1st 4G chipset right here in India. Veterans in VLSI with experience in buiding solutions based on leading edge technologies. Built global products across the ecosystem.

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